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We are a full-service law practice with market-leading expertise in human rights litigation, to contract law, insurance law, family law, deceased estate law, private criminal prosecution and criminal defence, debt collection, incorporation of companies and trusts, conveyancing and related land transactions, company secretarial services, to being trade mark and patent agents, to drafting and reviewing of commercial agreements, memoranda of understanding and other documents.


On instructions being given, the firm will consider the relevant law and give the necessary legal opinion to the client.
Where necessary the firm will commence proceedings in court or defend the client. In order to avoid unnecessary costs on the part of the client, the firm will try and avoid costly litigation, without prejudicing the client’s interests, by engaging in out of court negotiations before embarking on litigation. As a way of avoiding costly litigation, the firm encourages the client to always consult us on all matters of legal nature before the client takes any action or enters into any contract or Memorandum of understanding.

Contact Details

Please find below contact details and contact us today!

+265 (0) 211 212 515

Area 47 sector 2 Plot Number 187, Post Office Box X273, Lilongwe, Malawi

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